Strategic Plan
Planning for the future
The 2019-2022 Peel Volunteer Resource Centre (PVRC) Strategic Plan was developed following a workshop in May 2019 involving Board members and staff.
The 2019 – 2022 plan was developed to set the strategic direction of the organisation for the next three years focusing on four key areas
Key Area 1 – Governance
Key Area 2 – Sustainability
Key Area 3 – Operational
Key Area 4 – Marketing / Public Relations

Our Mission
- Build, promote and strengthen the value of volunteering in our community
- To be recognised as a leader in volunteering
Our Vision
- To Provide sustainable volunteer services to meet the changing needs of the community
- To maintain excellence by providing personalised connections between volunteers and organisations
- To be recognised as a vibrant and visible hub for volunteering that values contribution, inclusiveness and respect.
- Community – Support and strengthen the community through volunteering
- Commitment – Dedicated to support volunteering in the Peel Region
- Respect – Respectful and considerate in all we do
- Inspire – Engage and inspire our community
Key Area 1 – Governance
The Board of Management will provide accountable and efficient management of the organisation and all its resources.
Our priorities are:
- Compliance
- Risk Management
- Diversity
- Succession Planning for Board & Management
Key Area 2 – Sustainability
PVRC to be sustained through funding diversity relevant to key partnerships and community engagement
Our priorities are:
- Diversity of Funding to be maximised
- Valuing out staff and volunteers
- Develop and nurture new key partnerships and maintain existing partnerships with all stakeholders
Key Area 3- Operational
PVRC delivers quality Best Practice in Volunteer and Workforce Management.
Our priorities are:
- Maintain Best Practice in Volunteer Management aligned with National Volunteering Standards
- Build skills, knowledge and capacity in Volunteerism
Key Area 4- Marketing /Public Relations
Through inclusive engagement PVRC builds awareness of its role and services to the community.
Our priorities are:
- Effective & consistent communication
- Strengthen the identity and profile of PVRC with the community
- Ensure inclusive and accessible services that take into account the diverse nature of the Peel community.