(08) 9581 1187



Your volunteering questions answered

What times are you open?

We are open Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9am til 2.30pm. We do recommend you make an appointment first by calling us on 9581 1187

How does the Peel Volunteer Resource Centre help?

We offer:
• Face to face meetings with an experienced Referral Officer

• We have a discussion about the volunteer opportunities that suit your skills and interests

• We take you through all the available positions in the Peel area

• We refer you to one of our member organisations

Do I need to commit long term?

If you are away for part of the year, or you simply can’t commit long term due to other responsibilities, that is totally fine – so many volunteer organisations are flexible around your schedule or may have short term projects for you to get involved with

Will I need to undergo any background checks?

Depending on the role, we advise that you discuss this with us at the time of registering. Each organisation has their own requirements. Any role that involves Seniors or Children will need a National Police Clearance and or a Working with Childrens Check. But this can be done through the organisation at a reduced cost.

Can I search and apply for volunteer opportunities online?

Yes, absolutely. Follow the link below. The application process is quick and easy.

I work full-time, can I still volunteer?

There are plenty of opportunities for one off volunteering to contribute to the Mandurah and surrounding communities. Also, there are a number of roles you can do outside of work hours and even work from home opportunities!

Am I too old to volunteer?

Organisations value the huge amount of experience and wisdom that older volunteers bring. There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available, and so many organisations value older volunteers for their expertise and dedication!

My organisation utilises volunteers, can you help us find new volunteers?

The Peel Volunteer Resource Centre provides support, training and assistance to not-for-profit organisations, sporting clubs and groups looking for and actively using volunteers. If you lead, coordinate or manage volunteers or if your organisation involves volunteers in any way, we encourage you to find out how we can assist your volunteer management program.
Download our membership kit here

Can you assist with corporate volunteering?

PVRC don’t facilitate Corporate Volunteering, however VWA have a whole team that can assist.

Will I receive any training?

PVRC run general Volunteer Management workshops for organisations. Training for volunteers is general done through the organisation that you ultimately end up volunteering with.

I’ve never been to your office location before. What can I expect?

This social story will explain in detail our location and what to expect here.

I don’t have any qualifications, can I still volunteer?

Volunteering doesn’t always require specific qualifications. Your time and willingness to help is what is truly valued. We will help you go through the huge number of volunteering opportunities that rely on your desire to make a difference in the Peel/Mandurah community

I have limited mobility, can I still volunteer?

When you visit the Peel Volunteer Centre, we will match you with the best organisations for you and work with that organisation to make sure you are fully supported. Your safety, enjoyment and getting the most out of your volunteer experience is our number one priority!!
Read our inclusion statement

What kind of volunteering roles are there in the Peel region?

• Supporting childhood education, local school programs and youth programs

• Companionship and support for the homeless, aged or people with disabilities

• Protecting and enhancing the environment, local wildlife and animals in need

• Events, fundraising, arts, culture, heritage, sport, recreation and disaster relief

• Committee roles, strategic support, administration and mentoring

What if I don’t like my new volunteering role?

That’s fine, just let the organisation know that you are not enjoying this role they can either find another role within the organisation or alternately you can let them know you are leaving. Revisit PVRC and we can find you are role that’s suits your needs.


The Peel Volunteer Resource Centre will connect you to the perfect volunteer role for you in the Mandurah-Peel region.  We strive to create an inclusive and positive volunteer experience and we encourage anyone of any age, gender, identity or background to apply.

hundreds of volunteer roles in the mandurah and peel area

Volunteers are urgently needed!